Friday, May 27, 2011

Rae Abileah, MondoWeiss fellow traveler, indicates that she is ignorant of democracy.

Rae Abileah is truly ignorant about democracy.
But hating Israel is her forte.

Here, Rae Abileah talks about why she considered it okay to act as a Nazi and attempt to hijack the floor of Congress:

"What kind of a democracy do we live in when free speech is met with brutality and arrest? In a real democracy, our representatives would be looking out for our best interests, not the interests of a foreign government, ie, Israel. I want my government to take an even-handed approach that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians. But in our so-called democracy, special interest lobby groups like AIPAC have enormous power because of their ability to direct campaign contributions."

But Rae, the vast majority of Americans support Israel and consider the Palestinian leadership to be comprised of cut-throats and scum. Based on the actions of Hamas and Fatah, who living in a democracy could think any differently? Nazis, antisemites, Islamists? I grant you that constiuency. And you are free to scream out your hatred on any street corner. However, you have to be invited to speak to Congress. And as the American people regard you as an insane hate-monger, democratically, they will not give you the time of day.

As for Congress looking out for our (not yours) best interest, it does. It also bends to the will of the people in matters of morality. And supporting Israel is a moral matter that speaks to our souls, not our pocketbooks.

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