Saturday, November 21, 2009
Weiss begs for money to support his antisemitic endeavors
Help Mondoweiss continue to grow – give a tax deductible donation today!
by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz on November 16, 2009 · 92 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Philip Weiss continues antisemitic postings.
Cliff November 14, 2009 at 1:34 am
Where is that Nazi, Witty to whitewash this?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
MondoWeiss ignors Palestinian crimes against humanity
Palestine's Missing Critics Where's the outrage for Ramallah's atrocities?
Editorial: The Wall Street Journal November 2, 2009
Israel's harshest critics claim to champion the rights of Palestinians. So we're curious about the fallout, or lack thereof, from revelations that the Palestinian Authority regularly brutalizes its own in the West Bank while enjoying a steady flow of dollars and euros. Senior PA official Haitham Arar was quoted in the Daily Mail more than a week ago openly discussing the abuses. That follows a Mail On Sunday report in January that detailed the Authority's regular use of beatings, whippings, attacks with electrical drills, and other methods of torture doled out to anyone seen threatening the authority of Fatah, the party of President Mahmoud Abbas. Murder and rape are also commonplace. As Middle East analyst Tom Gross points out, the only news here is that a Western newspaper has bothered to write about it. At least some ink is spilled documenting Hamas's blunt methods, but much less has been made of Fatah's abuses since Yasser Arafat took over most of the territory in 1993. What's more, Western governments support the internecine violence with ever-increasing aid. As of Sept. 15, the European Union had delivered €268 million to the Authority this year, and in July the U.S. extended an additional $200 million. The money will not stop now that Ramallah is no longer trying to hide the mistreatment. Westminster's one response has been to quietly send officers to the West Bank to train Authority forces on how not to torture prisoners. So here's the state-of-play in the department of moral outrage. When Britain is accused of abetting U.S. interrogations, lawsuits, investigations, and threats to try Tony Blair for war crimes quickly follow. When Israel attacks Hamas in order to end rocket launches on its soil, it risks a session before the International Criminal Court. But when the West funnels billions to a Palestinian government whose abuses are brazen and ongoing, there is mainly silence.
Friday, October 30, 2009
More on Weiss
What I have had is an education, of sorts, into J-Street itself. What the conference has been lacking in terms of genuine insight has been more than compensated for by gossip opportunities: the unctuous Max Blumenthal orchestrating a cheap laugh at Elie Wiesel’s expense; the decision of J-Street’s student arm to drop the “pro-Israel” bit of the mother organization’s “pro-Israel, pro-peace” tagline; the booing of liberal Rabbi Eric Yoffie of the Union of Reform Judaism; the presence of toxic, Israel-hating obsessives like Philip Weiss and Richard Silverstein under the veneer of an openness which was not, it seems, that open;
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Another voice denounces Philip Weiss for antisemitism
Among the many blogs on the list that propagate views similar to those of Ben White - i.e. a virulent anti-Zionism that doesn’t worry about drifting into antisemitic language and themes, preference for the “one-state solution” and open disdain for the peace process, which is often reflected in contempt for Fatah and vicious attacks on the current Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad, - are Counterpunch, Electronic Intifada, Jews sans frontieres, Lawrence of Cyberia, and Mondoweiss.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Another expose' of Philip Weiss
I don’t know who Jeff Blankfort is but from his post I would guess that it would be a waste of my time to answer his simplistic message.
As for Philip Weiss, there is something insane with a “Jewish” blogger who defends Patrick Buchanan against charges of antisemitism (he writes anti Israel columns for Buchanan’s online magazine)
and is quoted by stormfront (the pro Nazi website):
and here
Philip Weiss has written that all Jews should assimilate at the New York Observer (before he was fired from that magazine) and believes erroneously that Norman Mailer “assimilated” (gave up being Jewish) and should not be considered a Jewish writer.
I don’t know if Philip Weiss is an antisemite but he certainly loves the company of antisemites.
Thanks to Jacob Arnon for unknowingly contributing this knowledge to my blog!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Finally, Why Richard Weiss posts antisemitic bullshit
javs October 2, 2009 at 9:56 pm
The hiarchy…abbass is not legitimate and the facts will not be swayed regardless of him. what was done will never be forgotten …not any of the 110 years of crimes against humanity, this last one was only one of so many times and countless lives teminated by the usa tax dollars and cult you all call jewish or zionism either one doesn’t matter you all have put hitler to shame,…and you all wonder why..still.This shows the trueness of nature in a people as a whole. The supporters of these types of cults being blind and ignorant does not excuse anyone from the laws either international or moral. Every dog has its day and believe it they will have theirs..the holocaust obviously was a lesson but one not learned after the immoral 101 what is next nukes on parade by the cult with the most or a beating down of society as subhumans not ranked in the same as the scumbags who thrive in the cult you call judism
2 Julian October 3, 2009 at 7:13 am
The Holocaust was a lesson? What type of lesson?“the scumbags who thrive in the cult you call judism” I love your blatant hatred of Jews. It exposes this site for what it really is. Just another hate site. Please post as often as possible.
Report abuse
3 Donald October 3, 2009 at 7:45 am
You’re right–javs’s post is antisemitic crap and I hope Phil deletes it. And bans jav, for that matter.
Your own post, though, is utterly cynical. You don’t want to deal with serious criticism of Israel, so you want javs and others to post as much antisemitism as possible. Which shows you’re not really concerned about the antisemitism–you just want to use it for your own purposes.
4 jimby October 3, 2009 at 10:54 am
Julian, the lesson “was” never again. Now it’s do it to them before they can do it to us.
5 Mooser October 3, 2009 at 12:08 pm
Donald, he won’t delete it. He just told me by e-mail it must be possible for “non-Jews to talk about Jews”.And I’m sure Phil knows the religious bona fides of every person who posts here!
Must suck to be his age and simply not have figured out that your Mom isn’t some kind of Goddess, but just an ordinary person who is wrong about a lot. I do sympathise, after all, if his Mom is divine, what does that say about Phil?
Witty and some asshole spar over the draft in Israel
Chaos4700 October 3, 2009 at 10:01 am
So now I’m confused, Witty. How exactly does it make you feel that in Israel, being true Jewish person and being a soldier are made synonymous? Does that bother you that the Jewish faith in Israel is being transmogrified into a proverbial “army of God?” How does that jive with your supposed liberal values?
10 Richard Witty October 3, 2009 at 10:07 am
If you had just asked the first question, “How do you feel about universal draft?”, then we could have conversed.
Instead you felt compelled to insert rhetoric, warring in words, rather than listening, self-inquiring and expressing.
We could go far, if you choose Chaos. But that would not be chaos, it would be a grassroots organic order.
Are you familiar with the two dominant strains of anarchist thought? (Chaos or Mutual Aid?)
11 Chaos4700 October 3, 2009 at 10:10 am
Excuse me but there’s a big difference between a country having a universal draft, a country tying that universal draft to their religious faith.
You’re dodging the question rather conspicuously.
12 Richard Witty October 3, 2009 at 11:27 am
Chaos,I’m not clear of the question that you are asking.
I’m also not sure why when you ask a question it seems more like a taunt than a question.
Philip Weiss is so afraid of the truth. (But what antisemite isn't?)
Chris October 3, 2009 at 5:09 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
As my comments are never posted, possibly due to that fact that antisemites, like Citizen, hate facts, it is pointless for me to correct the auther on why a map in a synagogue has no need to reflect US government policy.
Report abuse
13 Chris October 3, 2009 at 5:10 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Awaiting moderation; the watchwords of the modern day neo-nazi. Any wonder it exists on Philip Weiss’s site?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Philip Weiss' favorite Rabbi fall flat in opinion piece,0,654462.story
I am appalled by Rabbi Rosen’s opinion piece. I can not fathom what he was thinking about. But I can fathom what he was not thinking about.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who willingly voted to install a political party whose platform includes genocide.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who danced when they learned of the 3000 Americans who burned to death on 9/11.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who cheered when they heard that one of their own murdered 4 sisters, all younger then 10, by putting a bullet in the brain of each, at close range. It is not known if the girls were murdered before or after their pregnant mother was murdered by the same Palestinian.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who have repeatedly placed their own in danger for the hope of spilling Jewish blood.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who routinely attend religious services where Jews are described as being descended from pigs and apes.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people who enter their own religious buildings to murder their own people.
Rabbi Rosen was not considering the mentality of a people whose idea of defense is to launch missiles and mortars into civilian population areas. A people who believe defense equals terrorism.
After this Yom Kippur, it is hoped that Rabbis like Rosen will reflect on their knee jerk ultra-liberal reactions and realize that it is the duty of the Israeli government to protect Israeli citizens from the murderous actions of Hamas.
After this Yom Kippur, it is hoped that Rabbis like Rosen will reflect on the fact that Hamas considers it their duty to murder Jews until there are none left who might freely breathe air in their ancestral homeland.
Philip Weiss has a poster who is another censorship worshipping antisemite.
Rehmat appears to be unable to handle constructive censorship. Can any Antisemite?
Check out the idiot's blog.
More Nazi Analogies from Mondo Lies

I read widely, visit and talk respectfully so as to understand people’s actual motivations.For Palestinians, the motivation is resistance to occupation. For Jewish Israelis the motivations is racially motivated need for Arab-free lebensraum.
Lebensraum? Was Eva named after Braun?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Philip Weiss continues to encourage antisemitism
BluePearl September 27, 2009 at 12:45 pm
a phony jew, a phony christian, and a phony muslim walk into a bar. the bartender looks at them and says ‘is this a joke or something?’
a joke indeed!
phony jews are starving and killing palestinians so that they can worship their golden calf, greater israel. phony christians want to bring armageddon in the middle east to, get this, so that the prince of peace can return. phony muslims want to kill you if you don’t become a phony muslim like them.
the problem is really not religion but phonyness or lack of sincerity as you will find people of compassion in all three religions.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Chris Berel Receives great praise from a Mondo Hate Monger
First you make a post for Witty – and we see daily how he is received. I’m not advocating anything be done to Witty, just making an observation about your breaking of the 4th wall posts like this, where you directly address us – the audience. You do it for your own reasons, born out of your identity. If it were truly universal you would have directly said something about Chris Berel, who was the most vulgar poster here. And since you banned people for potty-mouths, clearly you cared.
All Beral ever did was post the truth about the antisemites running around Phil's hate festival.

Celebrate ‘Times’ photographer Rina Castelnuovo
by Philip Weiss on September 26, 2009 · 0 comments
I keep forgetting to post perhaps the most important event in journalism about Jewish identity in the last couple weeks, the NYT’s publication of Rina Castelnuovo’s amazing photograph from Hebron, which has been widely republished in the Arab world. The Times could do a further service by having Castelnuovo blog about how she took this picture… As well as do more thorough reporting on how Jews could become so brutalized, a story Americans still aren’t hearing.
Logged in as Chris. (But not allowed by Philip's censors)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Despite pledge not to do so, Philip Weiss continues to use antisemitic sources
Go ahead and read the crap they post, and their sources:
The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called ‘the days of awe’
by Philip Weiss on September 25, 2009 ·
From the Salem-News, today, here is Tai Matalon, an Israeli woman who is said to have been imprisoned for refusing to serve:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Mondo Weiss continues to promote Antisemitism
32 Rehmat September 24, 2009 at 6:06 pm
Zionist Jew leaders are know for their short memory.
During Hitler era – Hamas was not there – nor were any Muslim serving in Nazi Germany. However, reportedly, there were 150,000 German Jews serving in the Nazi army and the Zionist terrorist group, Irgun, was also in bed with the Nazis.
If one read the Zionist lir=terature, one would finf them the most anti-Semite people on the face of Earth.
Nevermind that it is a proven fact that Muslims from Bosnia and Albania served in the SS, and that only accidental Jews, like Philip Weiss, served Hitler.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Antony Loewenstein condones murdering women and children
Stories from Gaza
by Antony Loewenstein on July 30, 2009
Take my interview with Fatah-aligned militants. I was taken to an unfinished house on the outskirts of Gaza City. The room was nearly bare, with a bed and mattress and web-enabled computer. The militant, an 18-year-old, whose father sat near us proudly and explained why he supported his son’s actions, was circumspect. He said he fired rockets into Israel and monitored Israeli troop positions. I asked whether he regarded IDF and civilian targets in the same way. He did. “Every Israeli serves in the army”, he said. I told him that some Israelis opposed the occupation, the war against Palestinians and actively helped Palestinians protect their lands. Did he care, I wondered, that he might kill these Jews, as well? He paused and reflected and finally said that it would be a shame, but he was fighting occupation.
Why doesn't MondoWeiss discuss this?

In a further sign of radicalization in the Gaza Strip, children in Hamas-run summer camps recently reenacted the abduction of Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit in the presence of top Hamas officials, The Jerusalem Post reported. "This sends a message," one Israeli defense official said. "This is Hamas's way of showing Palestinian children that kidnapping soldiers is the correct way of life." Shalit was seized more than three years ago when Palestinian terrorists tunneled into Israel, abducted him and killed two other soldiers. In the past, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups have used summer camps to train children to fire rockets, rally praise for Palestinian "martyrs" and preach an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish worldview.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
MondoWeiss - Antisemite or just plain whacko Hate Monger?
Philip Weiss and his antisemitic cohorts are planning a Nazi-inspired censorship that only allows their supporters to comment. Additionally, they will allow hate sites trackbacks to hate sites that see things the same way they do.
Here is an example of a comment encouraged by MondoLies:
Hebrew school from what I have seen of its graduates is the Jewish equivalent of the madrasas of Pakistan and elsewhere in theMiddle East that the US has blamed for the rise of militant Islam. It is clear that whatever respect a young Jew might have had for her or his fellow human beings, regardless of race, sex, or national origin before entering the school, such basic decency is squashed and replaced by the notion of Jewish superiority and loyalty not to one’s fellow citizens but to the state of Israel. In other words, it can be argued on the basis of its results in the age of Zionism, that what Hebrew schools have produced is a fifth column. What they are doing is as perverse as Christian Scientists allowing their sick children to die because they believe that God will heal them and not allow them to die. If Children’s Protective Services intervenes in the lives of those nutcases, why not in the case of Hebrew schools which feed hate and Jewish superiority?
Can you imagine such bullshit not being labeled antisemitic in nature and intent?